Processing information

On each visit to our website, we collect different data for a variety of purposes. On this "Privacy" page, we inform you about the data we collect, for what purposes, how we receive it, what your rights are in this area and how we apply them. On the Vetco website (, your privacy is respected and Vetco ensures that all your data is treated confidentially.

Data collected and stored by Vetco is protected. They will never be passed on or sold to third parties in any way. If information is to be disclosed, it will always be done with the utmost respect for the rules and the law. The information you provide to Vetco is treated with the utmost care.

All information provided will be used exclusively for the purposes for which it was communicated and with the visitor's consent.

Vetco collects data to provide the following services:

1. Data on the use of the site and feedback from our visitors to develop, improve and adapt the site.

2. User reviews and comments (You can choose to add your name or other personal information). We are interested in the opinions of our visitors. Nevertheless, we reserve the right not to publish it if it does not meet our values and criteria.

3. Reactions to a promotion or contest (We will ask for your name, address and email address). This information is used to carry out the action, evaluate it, measure it and disclose the results (Lauréats).

4. Order-related information. Vetco undertakes to make use of the data relating to private addresses and personal messages provided to it in connection with the execution of an order and its booking in accordance with Article 5b of the Law of 08-12-1992 Privacy.


Every time we visit our site, an IP address is automatically recognized which allows you to know the origin of the site or email. This data can be used by Vetco in the prevention and fight against fraud, as well as for the detection of criminal behaviour (or attempted behaviour).

In addition, we store and use this data to analyze navigation, pages viewed, and articles that are not yet ordered by you on our site. Based on these analyses, we can offer you offers or information about products you may be interested in, as well as improve the awareness, functionality and content of our websites and email addresses.

In order to optimize the site and our services, and in order to inform you properly about the offers of interesting articles, cookies are placed, via the site, on your computer. A cookie is a small text file that is sent to your computer following a visit to the site. Using cookies, we can also ensure that you will not receive repeated information. The domain name of the server of the site that manages these cookies is Most browsers can be set up to refuse cookies or notify you when a cookie is sent.

When visiting this website, the text files (cookies) are stored on the visitor's computer. These cookies are useful to make our shop more user-friendly, efficient and reliable. The only objective is to make the site as comfortable as possible to connect, navigate, and respond as best we can to your needs as a customer.

You can set up your browser so that our cookies are no longer stored on your hard drive or that cookies already present are erased.


This site uses Google Analytics, a website analytics service provided by Google Inc. Google Analytics uses cookies to analyze the use of the site. The data generated by cookies related to your use of the site (including your IP address) will be transmitted and stored by Google on servers in the United States.

Google uses this information to find out how you make use of the site, and to inform website operators about site activity and internet usage. Google may also be required by law to transfer its information to third parties.

Google will not cross-reference your IP address with other data held by itself. By using this site, you implicitly consent to Google processing your personal data under the conditions and purposes described above.


If you have signed up for our newsletter, you can inform us at any time that you no longer wish to receive it. Each shipment includes the opt-out procedure.

If you are on our email list and you no longer wish to receive e-mail from us, you can always opt out or contact our services at the address below.

When you give us your postal address via the web, you only receive the information or products you have requested, at the address you have informed us.

Access to data

On request, we provide visitors to our site with all the information we keep about them. We also offer visitors to our site the opportunity to correct or delete the information we hold about them. To do this, just contact us at the address below.

If you feel that our site is not in compliance with our privacy policy, you can let us know by contacting us at the address below.

Vetco sa
Park Alley 11 to 6500 Barbançon

E-mail: go to our contact page.

The privacy policy can be adapted by Vetco. The adaptations will appear on The Vetco website.


By continuing your browsing on our site, you accept the use of cookies to make visit statistics and to facilitate the sharing of information on social networks.

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